Teen Therapy

There’s a storm brewing…

Raising a teenager can be stressful, confusing, and full of uncertainty.

What is going on with my teenager? He doesn’t seem to talk to me anymore, and I know something is not quite right. Our relationship is suffering. She is so upset with me so often, and I can’t figure out what’s going on with her.

Are you out of ideas despite your best effort and intentions? That’s where I can help you.

Teenagers have challenges, too!

Needing to Connect

The need to “be connected” through modern technology is overwhelming.

The pressures teens face today with online social apps coupled with the need to be in the know, belong, standout, or be different can cause many problems… not only at school but also at home and with friends.

You’re not alone, and you’re not expected to know ALL the answers. That’s where I can help you.

Negotiating Complicated Emotional Territory

School and life can stress them out…

It’s not at all uncommon that they feel down about themselves, anxious, alone, bullied…

They’re also learning to deal with their parents, step-parents, foster parents, friends, and relatives.

No one seems to understand what they’re going through. I can help you navigate these mental health issues.

The Things Teens Say

*John said, “All of my friends are rejecting me, and I feel so depressed and alone.”

*Robin said, “It feels like everyone is talking about me online, but I can’t stop looking at my phone.”

*Kim said, “I feel like I’m not good enough, and I will never amount to anything; no one loves me or cares about me.”

*Keven said, “There’s so much pressure to perform at school and from my parents to get into college. I can’t sleep or function very well.”

Thoughts without tools for expression…

Teens may start to have these sentiments, but don’t know how to talk about all the feelings and thoughts they are experiencing.

They may start believing in those thoughts which may lead to:

  • Depression/Gloom
  • Despair/ Hopelessness
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Shyness/ Timidness
  • Frustration/Anger
  • Abandonment/ Being All Alone

Without the right coping skills, your teenager may start to act out by:

  • Changing mood quickly
  • Isolating such as quitting fun activities, family, friends
  • Bursting out in anger
  • Abusing food or substances
  • Self-harming, suicidal thoughts

Therapy is a safe place for teens.

They can bring in any issues, big or small, that are hindering their happiness.

I work with teenagers by building relationships based on mutual respect and trust. This helps them find new, healthier ways to cope with life.

Most teenagers find me down to earth, easy to relate to, and safe to talk with. Parents find me warm, educational, and focused.

Take action and a new direction.

You love your teen – that’s why you are here.

I would love to help your teenager find the way out of their quiet isolation and learn to face the world with strength and self-confidence.

It’s the time to find a solution that opens the future to so many positive and happy life opportunities.

Call me today for a free 20-minute consultation to get your teen on the path of self-understanding and acceptance: (407) 883-3027

(*names have been changed to protect client identity)