Women’s Issues

Is there any time for me?

Dealing with everyone else’s storms… all day, every day.

Who am I?

And why am I so drained and empty at the end of the day?

Where did my life go?

Between work and my family, everyone’s needs seem to come before mine.

Obligations to friends, committees, and anything else that calls my attention.

I give, give, and give all day long… and at the end of the day, I have nothing left. This is ridiculous…

Where am I going at this pace?

On the outside, you look cool and collected. But on the inside, you really don’t want to deal with whatever is going on.

It’s easier to say, “I’m fine.”

But you know that if you keep doing nothing… things are going to go from bad to worse.

What happens in a session…

I help women go from feeling isolated in their lives to feeling connected.

Together, we’ll build an honest, direct relationship in therapy that you can use to build your confidence and self-esteem.

I will give you the tools you need to feel empowered over your feelings and in control of your life.

Hope, intention, and excitement!

Don’t settle and stay stuck doing nothing. Start the next step in your journey today.

Call me at (407) 883-3027 for your free 20-minute consultation.